

Business Applications Architect

· Following moral principles – and people that deserve to be followed

· Resolving tasks implies quietness

· Works to get the job done, not just to look busy

1. Do you remember the first days in the team?

Well, work is work. Back then I wished we had a better office. What I definitely remember about the first days in Global Mediator was our business trip to the South of France – I think that was a plus. It was an interesting project that my journey with Global Mediator started with (and one of my first business visits) – the trips were important to me.

2. What are the biggest challenges about your work?

I consider it a challenging task if I spend half a day thinking about the problem and find no solution. So, it’s either you find the solution, or you don’t – at least, at the start. If the problem is a resolvable one, the solution will soon follow. Now, I’ve reached the level when I get customer’s requirements – and envision the solution right away.

3. What is the biggest motivation at work?

Well, money is always a good motivation. But a comfortable environment and the right management principles generate real motivation for me. You know, Global Mediator is about freedom to make the difference with a “no micromanagement” approach (believe me, I know the difference – I’ve seen how people were treated in other companies). Self-motivation is about obtaining results, not about looking busy for 8 hours a day. That was one of the reasons why I joined the company. Also, I knew Evgeny from a previous project – it was enough for me to follow him to Global Mediator. So, yes, it is about the financial side along with the people you work with.

4. How do you manage to keep a work-life balance?

This pandemic attempted to blur the work-life balance, though I try to keep those separate. What works for me is total concentration – either on work or on my personal business and family. I never mix them. If I am done with work, I shut the PC down and devote the rest of the day to non-work-related business. Unless it is an urgent task that requires me to work late at night. But that is an exception, not the rule.

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